So my last and final setup post before the actual contest begins will be about how it is that I am coming to my decisions about films. While it appears that Batgirl will be applying the "How did it make me feel" mantra to her votes I felt that if I really wanted to do this right I had to put a little more thought into hw it was that I am coming to a decison on these films.
So will mulling it over I felt that it was important to put as much as effort as possible into discovering a way to make it so that no genre of film or era of film was signifigantly benefited or hindered by my decision. So my vote is going to be based on 5 catagories each with a ranking of 1-10 for a maximum score of 50 each film. Each director will then have 2 scores per round which will then be averaged for their average score for their films. The director with the higher average score moves on. This I think helps to promote those directors that consistently made excellent work rather than simply having a great film that get one or two amazing scores. Also as we move from round to round and new scores are brought in all the directors scores will be averaged to create their single average score for moving on or not.
Now the Five catagories I sill be using are ( each will be rated on a 1-10 scale per film) :
1. Genre- What genre was the film and how effective, influential, and creative was the film within that genre? This will benefit directors who shot exclusivley within a genre and make it possible to compare Teminator to The Maltese Falcon without signifigantly harming either.
2. Characters- Did the film craft full and complete characters? Were these chracters new and interesting and interact properly with themselves and plot the elements of the film? This is again possible to judge cross genre and eassily throughout time.
3. Mood, Theme, and Abience- How did the director utilize the non-plot driven elements of the film to complete the film? Again something that is going to be doable cross genre.
4. Inventiveness- In what ways was this film groundbreaking? This catagory is going to include both techinle achievements in film making as well as in new plot elements that then become standard or character interactions that become standard plot devices afterwards. This I think will help to benefit earlier films that may seem typical to a modern viewer that has seen the same plot elements over and over again in later films. But it will also to be possible to note which plot elements of new current films feel new and fresh.
5. Film Quality- How did the overall film fit together to make a singular statement or story? What wpic movie moments were created? Also did the director do at making a complete film?
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