
Laura's "Hippie" Rating System

As it seems that in my absence Eirik has taken it upon himself to portray my rating system as a hippie, go-with-the-wind, flight of fancy, I thought I might post to clear things up. There is definitely an element of "just gonna see how it feels" in the way I plan to process the films we are watching during this epic contest, but I think the reasoning behind this system and a more complete description will make me sound like less of a lazy ass. Not that I am any less of one.

Anyhow, I was trying to determine how much research would be going into the watching of each film, especially since Eirik had revealed to me that he was planning on taking technological advancements and impact into consideration. I am of the opinion that a really high quality film should be impactful whether or not the viewer has done research on the film. Also, great directors can produce timeless work that brings the context along with all of the elements in the film, not requiring someone to research the time in which it takes place or the context of the film in order to fully experience it.

I am coming from the perspective of the everyday movie watcher, as someone who would like to experience the film rather than dissect it. I have no intention of guarding myself against information and will welcome input in general conversation and the processing of a film with others who have seen it; these are things that I do all the time when I see movies. Basically, I am going to include everything that Eirik has in his detailed rubric, but rather than researching and examining a film to determine scores in each category, I plan to let the movie wash over me and see how much it impacts me when I watch it for the sake of watching it.

Also, I'm about to have a bunch of homework so I don't need to add any on myself.

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