
The Match-Ups

Just one more time for reference, the top 32 directors (listed in a previous post) are not competing at all in the first round. The rest of the directors were divided into two groups, "upper" and "lower" and then randomly drawn out of a hat, so that one "upper" director was paired with a "lower" director for the first round of matches. Whomever wins in the first round will then meet up with one of the top 32 directors in the second round. The first round match-ups are as follows:

1. Norman Jewison vs. Norman Taurog (winner faces William Wyler)
2. The Coen Brothers vs. William Friedkin (winner faces Milos Forman)
3. Steven Soderberg vs. John Woo (winner faces George Cukor)
4. Orson Wells vs. Tony Scott (winner faces Joseph Mankewitz)
5. Quintin Terantino vs. Michael Bay (winner faces John Huston)
6. Sidney Pollack vs. George Hill (winner faces Robert Altman)
7. Peter Jackson vs. Bob Fossi (winner faces King Vidor)
8. Buster Keaton vs. Robert Rossin (winner faces Frank Capra)
9. Charlie Chaplin vs. Wes Anderson (winner faces Woody Allen)
10. Frank Borzag vs. Joseph Von Straussberg (winner faces Michael Curtiz)
11. John Hughes vs. David Lynch (winner faces Clint Eastwood)
12. Roman Polanski vs. Sam Wood (winner faces David Lean)
13. Brian DePalma vs. Paul Anderson (winner faces Sydney Lumet)
14. Gus van Sant vs. Warren Beaty (winner faces Francis Ford Coppola)
15. M. Night Shymalan vs. Robert Benton (winner faces Stanley Kubrick)
16. Tim Burton vs. Fritz Lang (winner faces Billy Wilder)
17. Robert Redford vs. James Ivory (winner faces Martin Scorsese)
18. Spike Lee vs. Mark Robson (winner faces Federico Felini)
19. Robert Zemekis vs. Barry Levinson (winner faces Ridley Scott)
20. Ron Howard vs. David Cronenberg (winner faces Eli Kazan)
21. George Lucas vs. Ernst Lubitsch (winner faces George Stevens)
22. Peter Weir vs. Leo McCarey (winner faces Oliver Stone)
23. Mel Brooks vs. Peter Yates (winner faces Cecil B. Demille)
24. Akira Kurisawa vs. Christopher Nolan (winner faces John Ford)
25. Michael Mann vs. Jim Sheraton (winner faces Frank Zinneman)
26. Lewis Milestone vs. Bernardo Bertolucci (winner faces Frank Lloyd)
27. Mel Gibson vs. Richard Brooks (winner faces Clarence Brown)
28. James Cameron vs. Otto Preminger (winner faces Alfred Hitchcock)
29. Howard Hawkes vs. Steven Dawldry (winner faces Mike Nichols)
30. Ang Lee vs. Arthur Penn (winner faces Frank Wise)
31. Ingmar Bergman vs. Vencente Minelli (winner faces Joel Schlesinger)
32. Carol Reed vs. Gore Verbinski (winner faces Steven Spielberg)

So there it is, folks. This part alone will take us about a century to complete. Then comes round two. Hope you'll be along for the crazy ride.

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